Sunray and EV

What is EV u say?  Electric Vehicle. I had the pleasure of taking a spin in one of his prototype electric vehicles this week. What a thrill. Downhill, wow…kinda scared me, lots of power.  The cool thing about these vehicles is they require no license.  These pictures are the start of his EV shop.  As always with Sunray it is organic, cultivated locally, and I must say beautiful.  There is such a thrill living in a place where you see something like this erected overnight.  Much more to come.  He is a busy busy man who always seems to have many irons in the fire.  Not only is he launching his EV shop and products but is ready to launch his Yurt kit site.  There is never a dull moment here, it is always and ever evolving. 🙂



Don’t you just love that curve?  He goes shopping in the woods, a concept that is foreign to regular folks

My Garden Start

Well today was a beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest.  Unfortunately to save my plants I had to use lots of pennies 🙂  I am told the copper keeps the slugs away and they have already been playing havoc on some of my plants. I love daisies, all types,  unfortunately the slugs love those, and I declare every bug for himself..

I was lucky enough to dig out this wonderful copper wheel barrow, I am sure it is vintage but as last year it is a mini herb garden.  It has lavender, thyme, sage, oregano, cilantro, parsley, and a little sweet woodruff.  I’m sure I missed something but has a great compost base along with a little rabbit and other organic properties. My next step is to add some chopped Comfry which I understand makes a great compost tea on it’s own.  Image

Second I have my bed by my little pond that I have populated with some goldfish, I have some in there that are two years old.  For this bed I planted daisies (Shasta) by seed, I have three tubers of dahlias, and a couple of the ornamental thistles.  I believe that when they all grow I can sit on my bench and view my pond, enjoy my goldfish, and have the benefit of beautiful flowers behind me.  On the man-made bent tree….there are Shasta daisies in a hanging basket to enjoy. Oh and don’t comment on the weeds surrounding my bench, that will be taken care of. Actually some weeds are not bad, they add flavor and compost.


I have a raised garden bed that is seeded with Kohlrabi and beets, I felt that I could companion plant those, one grows on top the other below.  I’ll let you know how that goes.

Finally, my son a few years back welded me a plant holder with a dragon-fly. I found a fitting Gerbera daisy to put  there today. I love the ornamental aspect.


I did add to my Hugelkultur bed today, already laying down the brush, limbs, greens, scrap from the yard, moved some logs on top, getting ready to harvest some moss, then last the topsoil and planting. This is a work in progress that I will share as it evolves.

Bonus, one planter that has several elements, ornamental, herbal,medicinal, and just sure pleasure 🙂


Tiny House Blog – Living Simply in Small Spaces

Another wonderful site to check out.  I just love how we can simplify and live off the grid with a little but of ingenuity.

Tiny House Blog – Living Simply in Small Spaces.

What we have been doing

April 2012